Why Should You Visually Check for Motorcycles When Changing Lanes?

why should you visually check for motorcycles when changing lanes

Today we’ll elaborate on that a little more and tell you why you should visually check for motorcycles when changing lanes. Let’s start.

Failure to properly check for motorcycles is one of the most frequent errors made by car drivers. They can easily escape your attention because they are relatively small and move much more quickly.

You’re one step closer to driving safely if you’ve ever realized this before. Below we have provided several safety tips for motorists to follow while sharing the roadway with a motorcycle:

Why You Should Visually Check for Motorcycles When Changing Lanes?

Let’s discuss what you need to do now that you have a general understanding of why motorcycles demand special consideration. When changing lanes, in addition to checking the side-view mirrors, you should also look out for bikes.

They Easily Blend In

They blend in seamlessly into any blind spot of other moving vehicles, as was previously mentioned, and are extremely annoying. Sometimes, even with a quick glance in the view mirrors, you might easily miss them.

Even if you’ve given yourself the all-clear in the side mirror, the motorcycle may still pass you without your knowledge. This is also noticeable on steep hills. Motorbikes can also startle pedestrians walking on a textured sidewalk.

This is very likely to happen if you aren’t careful because they move so quickly.

Viewing Angle of Mirrors

why should you visually check for motorcycles when changing lanes

The side-view mirrors’ view angles are another consideration. They are restricted to a specific area and angle of the road. Motorcycles move extremely quickly, so they may lag behind the mirrors’ field of view by a few meters but are still very easy to overtake when you change lanes.


The weather is the last thing to consider. When changing lanes, slippery surfaces present a challenge. Additionally, it can be dangerous to approach light-rail vehicles in poor weather. Horse-drawn vehicle operators should be aware of the weather and change lanes when traveling on roads with motor vehicle operators.

Precautions to Take Against Motorbikes

What then is the answer? You should take some preemptive measures whenever changing lanes:

A Visual + Side-Mirror Check

Check the side-view mirror first for approaching traffic. If you’re fortunate and knowledgeable, you’ll see motorcycles and be aware of when to change lanes. Make a manual, visual check if nothing is discovered, though.

The areas your side-view mirrors have already covered should not be checked, so be wise and refrain from doing so. Instead, scan the road in the distance. Take a quick look to see if there are any bikes in the distance. The lane shift can be done without risk if not. read more, about how to install bar end mirrors.

Use Your Turn Signals

Always use your turn signals to let other drivers and motorcycle riders know that you are about to make a turn or lane change. Before making your turn, turn on your turn signal to give the motorcycle driver enough time to see your intentions and make any necessary adjustments to stay out of your path.

If a motorcyclist has to make an emergency maneuver, like swerving to avoid a car changing lanes, they risk easily losing control of the vehicle. Motorcycle riders can better prepare for the change and stay safe by using a turn signal.

Be Cautious of Your Blind Spots

You should always be aware of your blind spots when driving a car. Because cars have more blind spots than other types of vehicles, you often see motorists manually turning their heads. Always keep in mind that when it comes to keeping an eye on moving traffic, the side-view mirror and the windshield mirror often fall short.

The extreme back and the lower back sides, next to the lower passenger doors, are a car’s standard blind spots. From the driver’s seat, it is difficult to keep an eye on these using mirrors.

why should you visually check for motorcycles when changing lanes

In order to check for nearby traffic, especially motorcycles, you should manually tilt your head and occasionally glance out the passenger-side windows.

Don’t Change Lanes Too Often!

The most crucial piece of advice for motorists when sharing the road with motorcycles is probably to only switch lanes when absolutely necessary. Due to their greater speed, motorcycles frequently change lanes and don’t stay in one spot for too long.

Your best bet is to make lane changes on a car only when necessary because you don’t want to run into them in such a situation.

A lot of drivers lane-change merely for the sake of doing so. This is dangerous and endangers both other motorists’ safety and your own. 4%, to be exact, of all collisions, take place during lane changes. There are none of these near intersections or busy thoroughfares.

As a result, you should only switch lanes when necessary. Additionally, when you do, make sure to manually and visually scan the area for motorcycles before shifting lanes.

Do Not Drive While You Are Distracted

Even though you should never drive while distracted, doing so while avoiding a motorcyclist is especially risky. In the event of a collision, riders are either totally exposed or have little protection.

Your ability to react quickly to sudden changes in traffic or impending hazards on the road is significantly lowered when you are driving while distracted. If you are distracted while driving around a motorcyclist, you might not realize the motorcycle is getting closer or stopping until it is too late.

Final Words: Be Careful

Hopefully, you won’t ever be asking anyone, why should you visually check for motorcycles when changing lanes. You can take the necessary preventive steps to protect yourself and your loved ones from fatal collisions by being a little aware of and cautious of the difficulties of driving on the highway.

You should put your phone away, make any necessary adjustments to your car’s features before you get behind the wheel, and keep conversation with other passengers to a minimum while driving in order to avoid being distracted.

Additionally, you should always be well-rested before driving and you should never drive while intoxicated.

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